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22 August 2022
Emily Graham

Sex Science: Does Edging Really Make Orgasms Better?

graphic of penis and clitoris

The art of edging has been around for many years. A popular way to prolong sex and increase orgasm intensity, edging is very well-known and well-practised.

The benefits of edging to both vagina and penis-owning individuals have been shown to increase both pleasure and orgasm intensity during sex. To help you understand the science behind the orgasmic trend, we’ve collected information from studies and surveys across the web to find out why people love edging so much…

Does it really help with orgasms?

The ‘getting to the point of return and pulling back’ method of edging helps to build up the physical and mental anticipation of an orgasm. This can be a tricky technique to master, as stopping too late can cause you to unintentionally finish before you’ve built up that tension. Think of it like a horror movie, if the scare is teased just right, then it can be very frightening when it comes. On the other hand, if it is teased too much, when you do get to the scare it can be underwhelming.

This is why edging is best practised alone before getting a partner involved. Learning your own personal ques on when to pull back and when to go for it can be easier communicated if you know the warning signs of tipping over the orgasmic edge.

Holding back at the brink can be a very effective way to boost the intensity of orgasms after some build-up. For individuals who feel they finish too early, pulling back for a few minutes (or sometimes longer) prolongs sex. This can be an incredible turn-on for partners, as the desire to finish becomes more and more intense until the feeling (literally) explodes out of you.


Many of us don’t orgasm during sex…

The Cosmopolitan Orgasm report found that many people felt unsatisfied with their orgasms, with 61% faking it and 38% stating they’d like to orgasm more.

Although edging won’t necessarily make you orgasm more, it can help prolong sex so the other partner can have more time to build up to one. Not only this, but many medical guides state that it can make sex more pleasurable, increasing the chances of getting to that long-awaited orgasm.

It’s always important to remember that everyone’s body is different, and finding it difficult to orgasm does not mean there is anything wrong with that person’s anatomy. As we always preach in sex, communication is key! Letting your partner know what you’d like to try and what isn’t really a turn-on for you will help you both to discover effective ways to make sex more pleasurable.


It’s all in the chemistry

When we orgasm, our brains release various ‘happy hormones’ such as oxytocin and dopamine. Although we also experience these chemicals in our day-to-day lives, the intensity and amount we feel are in much smaller doses. Small amounts of these chemicals can also be experienced just before orgasm, edging allows the brain to get small shots of these feel-good chemicals before the ultimate big finish.

Blood flow can also be a good part of holding back from an orgasm. For those who are trying it with a penis, pulling back before orgasm can help keep that blood within the erection, making it harder for longer. A cock ring can also provide similar effects, and when coupled with edging, can be incredible for improving stamina and pleasure in the bedroom.

Check out our collection of cock rings here.


Words from a real-life edger

In our online exploration into edging, we wanted to find an actual account of edging and what impact it had on that couple’s life, luckily we found the perfect case study. Miss Ruby Reviews is an online blogger who sometimes shares intimate moments with her partner online, and even has a blog on edging!

Want all the juicy details? We highly recommend reading Miss Ruby’s full blog here.

In her blog ‘Why I Love Edging my Partner’, Miss Ruby explains their experience with edging and why they enjoy it. Ruby goes on to account that their experience with edging was about the control of providing pleasure, not necessarily prolonging an orgasm.

Miss Ruby’s experience of edging (like everyone’s) is unique to them, so it’s important to find out information and experiment with your partner to see what feels good for you and them. Ultimately, edging is another tool which can be used in the bedroom and doesn’t have to be used if you don’t want it to be.